About the Journal

Focus and Scopes

Trumpet: Scientific Journal of Education Sciences aims to bridge the results of research in the field of education which include:

1. Guidance and Counseling Education

2. Educational Administration

3. English Education

4. Indonesian Language and Literature Education

5. Mathematics Education

6. Pancasila and Citizenship Education

7. and other educational programs

This journal is published every 6 months.

Peer Review Process

every article that has been submitted to Serunai: Scientific Journal of Education will be checked for originality first by the editor. after that, it will be forwarded to the reviewer. Articles will be reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers/bestari partners. the time required to conduct a review is a maximum of 4 weeks. the review process is carried out by Blind Peer Review.

Publication Frequency

Publication of Trumpets: Scientific Journal of Education, namely in July and December

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to freely available research-principle content to support global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

Serunai: Scientific Journal of Education is a journal that is published every 6 months. however, due to an error in the management system, this journal was published once every 3 months in 2016