
  • Jonathan Abimael Sutanto
  • Firman Arvandhanu Wijaya
  • I Wayan Abraham Parulian Adrianus
  • Brian Dafitra
  • M.Azriel Yaqi Akbar
  • Rendra Ardika
  • M Bagus Satrio Aji
  • Endang Sholihatin


Definition of slang according to KBBI/experts, the widespread use of language by certain groups, the use of social media for the development of slang, types of social media that cause the rapid development of slang. The aims of this Scientific Writing are 1) to find out the variety of slang used by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter; 2) to find out the purpose of using various slang by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter; and 3) to determine the impact of the use of various slang used by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. Qualitative method through observation or direct observation. The conclusions of this research are 1) The variety of slang used by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, namely santuy, sans, gemoy, sabi, takis, kezel, kuy, hqq, kerad, tercyduk, japri, mantul, sampis , flower country, jawir, lol, bucin, gamon, nongki, ytta, gw, gws, fyi, and tldr; 2) The purpose of using various slang used by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter depends on the context, purpose and audience of the communication. In general, these goals are to adapt to certain groups or communities, to attract attention or create interesting content to go viral, and to convey messages or information more efficiently and effectively; and 3) The impact of using various slang used by the millennial generation on social media TikTok, Instagram and Twitter is varied, this variety of slang can create positive impacts such as creating a sense of togetherness and solidarity among fellow millennial generations, a means of self-actualization and creativity language for young people, an effective medium for channeling self-expression and emotions, enriching the treasures of the Indonesian language with new vocabulary. However, this variety of slang also has a negative impact, namely decreasing the ability to speak standard and good Indonesian, wasting foreign language vocabulary unnecessarily, destroying the rules and structure of the good and correct Indonesian language, hampering the ability to communicate formally.



2023-12-23 — Updated on 2024-01-06


How to Cite

Sutanto, J. A. ., Wijaya, F. A. ., Parulian Adrianus, I. W. A. ., Dafitra, B. ., Yaqi Akbar, M. ., Ardika, R. ., Satrio Aji , M. B. ., & Sholihatin, E. . (2024). VARIETIES OF SLANG ON SOCIAL MEDIA USED BY THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA. Serunai : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 9(2). Retrieved from (Original work published December 23, 2023)