Smart Indonesia Program, PIP, Learning MotivationAbstract
ABSTRACT: The Smart Indonesia Program is one solution in the process of equalizing education in Indonesia, especially as a result of disparities and weaknesses in the economic aspects of society which impact opportunities for learning. The most important thing in this case is to build students' learning motivation, especially in economically weak communities, to continue learning until they reach further education. Based on this, this research focuses on analyzing the Smart Indonesia Program process to increase students' learning motivation. Based on the study of the implementation and distribution process of the Smart Indonesia Program, implementation is essentially carried out in accordance with government policy through various devices and systems. However, the weaknesses that occur are mostly due to other conditions among students' parents, in the use of the budget there are still those who are forced to go beyond the established provisions. Overall, based on the analysis, it can be stated that the Smart Indonesia Program generally has a positive impact, especially in increasing students' learning motivation positively, facilitating the learning process and learning opportunities, as well as building hopes and aspirations for the future.References
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