Enhancing Students' Vocabulary Through Flashcard-Based Learning Strategies
Vocabulary, Flashcard-Based Learning Strategies, Classroom Action Research.Abstract
The findings of the study, instructional media is a contributing element in the vocabulary limitation among eighth grade students in Class A at SMPN 1 Mempawah. The researcher used flashcards as a teaching method to try to improve students' vocabulary in order to solve this problem. Reducing the vocabulary difficulties that the students were exhibiting during class was the aim of the investigation. With the use of two cycles of classroom action research that involved planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, the study produced better results. Thirty-two students participated in the study, and the main method of gathering data was observation. Notably, students participated in group discussions and then gave presentations of their results to the class during class activities. Furthermore, multiple-choice tests were used as post-discussion evaluations to show the students' progress on their learning path.References
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