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One part of the Free Learning Campus Free Learning (MBKM) program is the Teaching Campus. During the course, students contribute to the learning activities of the school by implementing a creative, effective work programme. The aim of this study is to find out how the role of students of campus program teaching in helping improve literacy and numeration of students in schools. Interactive and participatory methods used to gather information through observation, documentation, and interviews. Located in Marlintung, Karang Anyar Village, Secanggang Prefecture, Langkat District, North Sumatra. which became one of the schools of the university's teaching activities. The campus's teaching activities lasted for four months, from February 26, 2024 to June 16, 2024. Through the policy issued by the Ministry of Education to address the problem of literacy and numeration improvement in schools, students have an important role in running and successfully teaching campus programmes. Learning is done in a fun way through an exciting learning medium and games are very useful for improving students' literacy and numeration skills. Keywords: Student Role, Campus Teaching, Literacy and NumerationPublished